Common Faults, Causes and Measures of Bag Filter
Fault phenomenoncauseExclusion measures
Filter bag wearRubbing with the boxRepair damaged bag or replace
Dust abrasion (thinning of filter bag under the filter)Check the cause and deal with
Damage caused by adjacent filter bagsRepair damaged bag or replace
Filter bag burnedInflow of fireElimination of fire
Dust feverEliminating dust and cooling
Filter bag cloggingLong use time of filter bagreplace
Process gas contains moistureCheck the cause and deal with
Filter bag wetRepair, plugging
Excessive wind speedReduce wind speed
Poor cleaningStrengthen dust removal and check cleaning mechanism
Abnormal increase in resistanceSpray pipe pluggingClearing and clearing
Dust removal mechanism malfunctionsCheck and troubleshoot
Dust, humidity, clogging, or poor cleaningControl dust humidity, clean and clear
Ash setting time incorrectAdjust the timer time
Rapping mechanism malfunctions (mechanical rapping and cleaning)Check and adjust
Reduced cylinder air pressureCheck and increase the pressure of compressed air
Poor solenoid valve for cylinderCheck and adjust
A lot of ash in the hopperClear dust
Filter bag cloggingCheck the reason, clear the jam
Filter bag is wet due to water leakagePatching loopholes
Dust off the dust collectorDust and humidityCheck the cause and troubleshoot
Dust removal mechanism malfunctionsCheck, adjust and troubleshoot
Dust cleaning solenoid valve failsInspection and replacement
Defective timer set value is incorrect or has failedCheck and adjust the time setting value
Insufficient sprayCheck the reason and increase the injection pressure
Poor cylinder operationPoor solenoid valve operationCheck the cause and fix
LeakageInspection, plugging
Piston Rod CorrosionRust removal or replacement
Poor travelAdjustment schedule
Broken pressure piperepair
Pressure pipe joint cracks, falls offRepair and tighten
Insufficient pressure in compressed airIncrease the pressure of pressure
Compressor does not arriveCheck and clear the pipeline
Poor solenoid valve operationCircuit failureCheck the circuit and troubleshoot
Due to long-term static friction increaseInspection
Valve wearreplace
Spring breakReplace spring
Foreign matter in the valveRemove foreign matter Sealed
Dust in the ash bucket cannot be dischargedDust in the lower part of the hopperRemove dust plug
Spiral cutter failureCheck and troubleshoot
Rotary valve malfunctionInspection, repair
Dust consolidationClean up consolidation dust
Exclude flow channel blockageClean the flow cell and remove foreign matter
Dust is wet and hard to fallCleaning dust, moisture treatment